Saturday|14. April 2018
“Training of young horses according to classical principles” seminar with Anja Beran at the Bavarian Main and State Stud Farm Schwaiganger

On Saturday 14 April, at 15.00h, the Main and State Stud Farm Schwaiganger invites you to a seminar with Anja Beran and veterinary specialist for chiropractic (A) Elisabeth Albescu. At this three-hour event the reasons why training according to classical principles is the only way which leads to healthy and motivated riding horses will be clearly explained from a theoretical as well as practical perspective.

Duration of the event:

3.00 pm – 6.00 pm (admission from 2.30 pm)

Content of the event:

“What is done correctly in the early training of a young horse is an important investment because it means you will have a healthy riding horse for many years!” – is Anja Beran’s philosophy. She therefore advocates the careful gymnasticising of the remonte according to classical principles. “Too much, too quickly” usually leads to tense horses and early signs of wear and tear. In collaboration with veterinary specialist for chiropractic (A) Elisabeth Albescu, and in a vivid multi-media presentation, Anja Beran points out the positive effects of horse training according to classical principles. In very clear and comprehensible terms, they present the methods and means of classical dressage which lead to a healthy, motivated riding horse. Following the hour-long presentation, Anja Beran and her team give a practical demonstration of her training concept. With different remontes, they present the training of young horses from lungeing and becoming accustomed to the rider’s weight to learning of the aids and initial collected movements. Visitors are intended to see, understand and gain valuable input for working with their own horses after attending the event. At Anja Beran’s sales stand they also have the opportunity to acquire books, instructional films, equestrian magazines and high-quality riding accessories (by Kieffer and other companies). We look forward to seeing you!

Information & tickets:
Anja Beran:

Tel.: 08841 6136-0

LVFZ Schwaiganger – Große Reithalle
Schwaiganger 1 | D-82441 Ohlstadt

Einlass ab 14:00 Uhr – freie Platzwahl!
Eintritt 25,00 € pro Person
Tageskasse am 14.04.2018 ab 14:00 Uhr

Folgende Pferde werden bei diesem Seminar zu sehen sein:

Achal Tekkiner Degni Shael
Bayernhengst Bailando vom HLG Schwaiganger

Bildergalerie vom Seminar mit Anja Beran in Schwaiganger im vergangenen Jahr:
