Also our last Sunday morning work session this season was very well visited in beautiful autumn weather. Vroni Brod and Vera Munderloh gave a seat training in the afternoon program.
Category: Event Reviews (Page 4 of 5)
Impressions of the sunday morning work session in September
In wonderful late summer weather, we welcomed a group of the Barockreitzentrums Heimsheims and numerous other guests.
Impressions of the sunday morning work session in August
A big thank you to our loyal visitors and the many new guests who made the Sunday morning work session on 12th of August an unforgettable day.
8th International Workshop 2018 – Impressions
Captured by photographer Maresa Mader.
Impressions of the Sunday Morning Work Session in July
Captured by photographer Maresa Mader.
Anja Beran at St.GEORG’s “Day of Knowledge” in Marbach
On June 30, 2018, the equestrian sports magazine St.GEORG organized the day of knowledge at the main and state stud farm Marbach.
Marbach Classics 2018: Iberian impressions and “Carmen” of Georges Bizet
Anja Beran and her team present equestrian art with classical music
Impressions of the Sunday Morning Work Session in June
Guest at Gut Rosenhof: Herbert Blatt with his group of the Akhal Teke breeder and friends e.V.
Malakil and Safi with Anja Beran at the “Day of the Arabian Horse” in Marbach
Also this year Anja Beran was back at the day of the Arabian Horse in the HLG Marbach represented with the two five-year-old thoroughbred Arabian stallions WM Malakil and WM Safi.
Start of the event season at Gut Rosenhof
Impressions of our Sunday Morning Work Session in May.