Natural Garden

“The garden is the last luxury of our times because it requires what has become most rare and most precious in our society: time, attention and space. It is a true reflection of nature in which, again, we require spirit, knowledge and handicraft skills in careful dealing with the world and its microcosm, the garden.”

− Dieter Kienast −

Gut Rosenhof stands as much for classical equestrianism in its original form as it does for near-natural horticulturalism under extreme climatic conditions. The same motto applies to both: The way is the goal.

After 16 years’ dedication as a passionate hobby gardener at Gut Rosenhof, it is high time to thank my youngest brother Jens Nüssler, who is a professional landscape gardener, for his active assistance and continual exchange of ideas, as well as to extend our mutual thanks to Marko Thate, a highly esteemed gardener specialised in perennial plants who was our former neighbour and friend from early childhood. We look forward to many more creative years working together in the garden!

The Rose

“A book is like a rose because it can open a reader’s heart if he looks at it closely, page for page, or petal for petal.”

− popular Persian proverb −

The rose…
as the symbol of love, perfection and beauty was the inspiration for the name Gut Rosenhof. Characteristics which should form the foundations as well as aims for which to strive in equestrianism as well as horticulturalism.

The main categories of roses planted in the garden of Gut Rosenhof:

  • Wild roses (“Rosa rugosa”…)
  • Gallica roses (“Tuscany”…)
  • Damask roses (“Trigintipetala”…)
  • Alba roses (“Chloris”…)
  • Climbing roses (“Santana”…)
  • Ramblers (“Albéric Barbier”…)
  • Ground-covering roses (“Magic Meidiland”)
  • Rugosa roses (“Rugelda”…)
  • Shrub roses (“Heidekönigin”…)
  • Polyantha roses (“The Fairy”)
  • Floribunda-roses (“Gruß an Aachen”…)
  • English roses (“Graham Thomas”…)
  • Bourbon roses (“Honorine de Brabant”…)

In order to be displayed in their full splendour roses must be complemented by other surrounding plants. For what is a queen without her royal household? This is why over 1000 herbaceous plants and approximately 10 different types of grasses grow amongst our roses.

The Prairie Meadow

Prairie meadow – a splendid show of colour in summer as well as autumn

Endeavours to create a near-natural garden landscape, inevitably involve consideration of a “prairie meadow”! A prairie meadow covering an area of 1000 m? Why? As well as the aesthetic aspect, of course, ecological considerations are a major motivating force behind this venture. In its initial years a prairie meadow requires intensive care and attention from an expert. The precise number of years, however, undoubtedly depends on the location. A prairie meadow begins to bloom in summer and continues until late autumn! The pictures below show the result after 4 years (2015) – a paradise for insects, amphibians, etc.!

A journey through the garden during the year




